Monday, April 13, 2009

Studio 54 Clothes Blog



Buchung including, among other things is different from the 20-year olds from Europe, with very happy to take part in household chores. Actually it does not treat them as any imposed duties - doing the right thing, because that's just the nature of things.

So Christmas holidays, Losar Losar, but how do you bring the wood, is it brings them. So we go into a nice piece of gore (the "Jungle", as it says the boy), where there is a suitable source of wood for fuel. Susan also goes with us, but after a little quarrel with Buchungiem, which he had to stay at home because the "jungle" is too dangerous for women. Of course turn out to be the only danger stems, through which you have to wade through a moment.

Wearing heavy wooden robot is not, but under the condition that it maintains all the weight on my shoulders and not on the band mounted on its forehead:) Then

Buchung says he won the respect of village men tachajac timber for Nepali pray ... I do not know if this is true, but I liked that job;)

shock worker marching up the hill (you need to keep a stable posture perfect, otherwise the basket tilts, and pour timber)

foreman marching from the hill work.

I work at the foreman fajrancie;)

February 27 marks the validity of our visas. So today, we should leave the country's borders. Per day late pays are a few dollars. But what do we do, we'll worry later.

dawning in my head idea to stay in Siabru and "socially" to teach English here (other ideas, what to do can be useful, too switaja, but English seems to be the most important). But Buchung strikes me with the head. He says people here are not at all interested in science, that he has long been trying to learn English (even the one lesson we were together), but most often no one has the time - there are always some more important things to do in the yard ...

But anyway I'm so in love with Nepal and the local inhabitants of the mountains, with the need to do something good here I will not leave. Maybe someday in the future.

* konec Buchung And almost all the spoils. He begins to ask for money.

Nepal is very widely spread the idea of \u200b\u200bsponsorship. Science, especially studio or vocational schools, are very expensive and few families able to afford to provide education if only one child. In connection with this fairly common practice is that the school pays for someone from the west (and sometimes personally, and sometimes by some sort of foundations). Unfortunately

boyfriend does not stop at simple request, it starts to spin long and tragic story, while shaking terribly, which sometimes puts us in embarrassment. One says she very much like to continue their education in Kathmandu, so I need the money. Another time, they can not leave Siabru because they have to take care of her aunt, and here there is no chance of finding a job, so it needs more money. And so on - it makes no sense to quote everything.

He and Susan are trying to understand the boyfriend - once that here is really poor, two of the "sponsorship" is something normal in Nepal, three of the local culture of begging these are not something humiliating.

However a disgust is - we start to wonder to what extent all around the friendship was genuine, and how to get a calculated source of income ...

But soon come to the conclusion that she was sincere, and Buchung just had a moment of weakness:)

not promise him anything, and how will - we'll see (now I am alone I need to find a job after returning to Warsaw.)

coming last evening. Several people came to say goodbye to us and assume Kadaki on the road. My aunt is handing us presents, rather, we tied it around his neck - luckily we received pendants. After a while it disappears behind the door and returns with a second gift - your bag ... Beautiful, niepowtarzalana, hand-made, indestructible, and absolutely perfect Nepali bag on the frame (in other words, a thousand times better than what I wanted to buy it himself in Kathmandu). Happy, but my aunt cos not playing - surely we are two and a bag. Moments of wonder and brings a second, already a little shabby, but equally wonderful. The problem is that more bags aunt probably does not have ... So we start in August to defend, they can not pay his last bag, because surely it uses every day. "And what, you will not use?" - After his case Buchung cuts.

* Will I missed some of the place. Rice with lentil soup for every lunch and dinner. Everyday bogging down in blankets on the floor and silence hens who sleeps in a box next to it. All those sad merrily-Tibetans. Sit with them on the kitchen floor, drinking salty tea, and nothing-not-speaking. So hot at your fingertips.

But I am sad. I'm rather excited about what awaits us next. About dawn

kadaki attach to the bridge and hit the road.

Susan last look at Siabru.


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