Sunday, April 26, 2009

Living Room Color Schemes With Cherry Floor


But to Delhi to get there is not such a simple thing ...

We find the queue at the station to the window, so advise us in order Ola just buy the tickets during the ride from the bus attendant. Well the fact, why not.

so and go sit down. The bus stops in each village, and soon another is getting crowded disputes. Comes usher. We say that we want to Dehli, and he somehow begins to shake his head suspiciously ... Someone broken English explains to us that ... the bus is full, buy the tickets already and we can not get off in the nearest town. He he, Well, sometimes anyway ...

Suddenly the crowd of people standing leaning head monk and says something to us ... The more translators we learn that the monk is just two tickets to Delhi, but for some reason can not go there and just got off. Of course, tickets repurchase redundant - the fate of us to encourage:)

falls asleep. When I wake up, we stand on the roadside. Hello people sitting, part comes out, part of the spins back and forth restlessly. Trying to figure out what was going on, but if I suddenly became invisible ... In the end someone says to me, the bus broke down and we have to change. AWEU wake and his half ide still sleepy after backpacks on the roof.

Then the roof watching as a new bus pulls up, people run into the inside and the bus drive away. Completely even though I still dreamed ...

When going down, turns out he has been on the ice in about 10 people. So we sit on the sidelines and stop the next bus. What if who art goes to Delhi, it has free space and belongs to the same company as the previous one (no one wants to pay a second time for the tickets). Only that is the middle of the night and these buses is not too much:)

But nothing is. Always we can still sleep in the tent, and in the morning to go hitchhiking:)

suitable bus stops in the end after about 2 hours. Morning we are in Delhi.

before us an important mission - to get a visa to Iran and Pakistan. And get the Pakistani visa in India is apparently not such a piece of cake:)


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