Monday, April 6, 2009

Required Community Service Letter Of Completion

Bus to Return to Kathmandu


rides the bus to Kathmandu mean distance of about 140 km in about 10 hours ... In the middle of such quakes, with a decree from my last trip inside, next time I go on the roof.

Back to the capital turns out to be like a hammer blow between the eyes. Plunger, coil, zagadujacy vendors on the streets, and our unmatched anywhere far, the number of white tourists (slowly starts to the season) are a real shock for us. Even though nothing (except for white tourists) in August from the previous surely not immediately changed. Just then comparing the city with Pakistan and India, and now the Langtang Valley and Siabru.


Maybe this good moment to describe the traffic in Nepal (as it is, moreover, in India, Pakistan and Iran). Now, the only provision in the measure whose well to follow the movement is left-handed (but if someone is going right lane, just passes by him in August, on the other hand - nobody does this because of the problem). Crossing the street is a sport already completely without any rules, counts wits and reflexes - cars do not stop at the sight of pedestrians, even on the belts. As they maneuvered among the speeding cars in August, the situation seems so unreal at the beginning that has the feeling of participation in a computer game (and the possession of three live;).

Now However, we are already przyzyczajeni and matches we are only a constant noise of the street.

Noise is generated mainly by the horns (and the bells, trumpets, sirens wielgachne winning simple melodies or modest "prykawki" done with the packaging after the shampoo.) Indeed, when no rules, they must be on pace to negotiate, using the horn already. When they realized that ceased to irritate me, as someone still on me trabi (here there is almost no sidewalks - all walk down the street), treating it simply as a polite informed that someone has me going to resolved.

Cars, especially trucks, written in May on the body, "Blow Horn", which can be translated as "Trab as much as possible" - Is easier if you are informed of their presence on the road sound, than that everyone had to constantly look at the sides and rear and control the situation;)

* Someone asks me in the mail, or a Nepalese women are pretty ... Now, in Nepal is so ajk everywhere - are pretty and ugly:) But if I had to generalize, I would have said yes:

Iranian women In this crossbow with her large, black eyes, at first seems to be very beautiful, but if you take a closer look , they often turn out to be polygonal, plump, rozlazle and without expression. However Nepalki at first glance seem very humble, modest and unexciting, but if you look closely, it is recognized that have a very delicate, subtle features and, especially when I smile, turn out to be just very pretty. Crop type



terrible urge to have chocolate. Buys Snickers (regular chocolate is 2-3 times more expensive here than in Poland). Unfortunately, it turns out like all the "Western" or simply packaged grocery products in Nepal - is a miserable excuse for what we know from Europe. Snickers not taste like a snickers, kit-kat does not taste like kit-kat, Fanta tastes like it was diluted, and a rare jelly jam with frightful amounts of sweeteners.


He learns from the case, which made me come back in April, can wait several months longer. Slowly begin to wonder, what can change in my life;)


February 23 Hindus celebrate Shivaratri. I read on the Internet Hindu parable: "Guru peasant asks: How did you spend Shivaratri? - Played all day and all night at cards - It is very good and very devoutly spent a good human being Shivaratri, since that day, you need to rejoice and forget about daily troubles."

Shivaratri means in practice, visit temples, massive and indiscriminate smoking hashish.

Come over the river, where a fairly large area is the main temple complex. Susan goes around noon from Germany met here, and I join them later, but of course we can not meet. My the celebration ends after about an hour. I am so pretty wild crowd, with back to the hotel. Example

najaranego mob action:

The fence are two wickets. Normally people are stepped to one and the other went out. But no. The Shivaratri everyone come in and out both. At the same time. One human wave collides with the second and last normal bojka - the fists, elbows, kicks. Every now and then the police intervened. How? No, do not try to calm down the crowd and direct one to one gate, and another to another. Just grab harder for their bamboo sticks and once brutally pushing entering, and sometimes outgoing.


In general, the uniformed services in Nepal (India too) is an interesting case. Types of services is the collection, and each has a beautiful, ornate uniforms (that unlike in Pakistan, where most often seen by us was a sign of police belt with big buckle - which is why it was never known what a guy with a rifle in front of you ... ;). This contrasts amusingly with their facility, because most often it simply does not exist, possibly in May bamboo stick. Sometimes letting a long weapon (short not seen) - endeavoring August Kalashnikovs, or the strange inventions of the great financial magazine, more often, however, is a single-machine guns are straight from the first half of the twentieth century or the usual hunting rifles ...


the same day, Wojtek has a plane back. Listener with a story about naspawanych taksowkarzach, who do not see, where to eat (ie the normal viewer, but today is Shivaratri!), goes to the airport as much as 5 hours before departure. Of course normally takes you. But then I get a text message: "Well I went to before. The plane was not on the 17th, 13th .. just about. "

And we also go back the next day. For Siabru.


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