Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life Expectancy For Wegener's Disease


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Plan: To go by bus from Kathmandu to south to Bajrahawy, which is the border with India, then the next bus to Gorakhpuru; from there by train to Delhi, and from there to Daramsali (We do not have clue what).

get up classic, or at daybreak, and go to the station. Here obskakuja beaters and we are trying to convince us that our bus will depart today, not because of the strikes and we have to go through Pokhara. Of course their bus. Do not attribute, however, that the road would mean one day more:) Connections to Pokhara is plenty, and so the touts can not get rid. One even says that, yes, goes to Bajrahawy and only from people inside, we learn that, however, a bus to Pokhara ... This is the first time in Nepal when someone wanted to deceive us.

In the end we find our bus, but there is no longer available. We say that we can go on the roof, no problem. On the roof!! The head coach can not believe that the pale faces may even want to go in such conditions. Fortunately, in the end we managed to persuade him to let us.

When we sit at the top already, entourage to me in my head ... Maybe some suspect it is no coincidence that we are on the roof of their own ... And indeed:) The road turns south as it becomes smooth and flat, so it develops a bus sometimes dizzying speed of 1960-1970 km / h (remember that August is going to Siabru an average speed of 20km / h). Most of the time so we sit in jackets and hoods, with the tightly curtained mouth and nose. But despite the wind it hard to eat, drink and sleep, so everything needed to live, we have:)

It is already dark when we reach to some of the city - about 30 km from Bajrahawy. Here you can talk to us, that we take it to leave backpacks and bus ... There are only five people, and not worth the effort for them to keep going ... If you want, we can change to free the bus, which is behind us. Well, sit in August. It turns out that this is a bus from Kathmandu that was supposed to depart three hours after us ... Apparently, the driver has fewer friends and less frequently after drodzie's arrival, lest you talk ... Anyway, we spend the next 30km terribly crowded in the passage between the seats.

bus drops us at some busy road ... The hell we do not know where we are, or where is the limit. Some good man grabs us rickshaws, translators riksiarzowi where we fail and negotiates the price. The next 10km so overcome thanks to the power of human muscles. Always in these situations, I wonder - what if a guy is bringing us into a completely different direction? :) And best on the whole przejazdzki riksiarza remember the heroic attempts to ring a bell bicycle in a traffic jam on the hills trucks and buses.

crowd on the border of French tourists. Customs officers in August so I want to get rid of us as soon as possible, without unnecessary talking stick stamps and after a while we march into India. Nobody interested in this, that our visa expired almost a week ago.

After the Indian side of the street go straight ahead, and we wonder where can be a bus that will take us further. At some point A man catches up with us and asks where you're headed. "To Gorakhpuru. In response, shows us a few hundred meters delirious lights in front of us: "This is the last bus today. Just take the undergroung. " So release the August run and luckily enough time. We issue the tickets for our last Indian money.

Gorakhpurze quickly find the train and we learn that our train leaves for an hour already. This means that as soon as we get Indian rupees. We find an ATM. Unfortunately, we do not want to spend money ... We asked some moustached man, or somewhere in the neighborhood are other ATMs. Unfortunately not. Well, so we will have to spend the night at the station and look for the nearest exchange office in the morning ... But the guy is so looks at us and ... says he just bought us the tickets and so. Life does not cease to astonish us,) we can continue!

* How to describe an Indian train journey?

should start from the station. At night the entire hall and the greater part of the platform is covered with people lying. There are the homeless - to passengers waiting for their trains, which usually are late a few hours, and (perhaps especially) people from surrounding villages and working in the city who can not afford to rent the room.

to queue into the box almost always someone trying to hit. For the rules. Sometimes muscling even if the queue is only one person. Usually enough for such warknac, possibly give the paws (the classic ploy Putting a hand into the box full of money) and a dodger August withdraw. However, you must be in constant readiness to repel an attack;)

Our good spirit bought us tickets in the lowest class, called here "general". The reasons were two. First, the price (unfortunately I do not remember, but probably it were $ 2 for about 700 km). Secondly, it is the only class who do not need to do the booking. Just to spaces "general" can enter any number of passengers and is already the brooch, as a room.

ridiculously low price and ability to buy a ticket, even the minute before departure makes the already lowest class are always traveling. Several

pictures from inside the car:

Whenever they could, in August We packed into the overhead bin. Lying / sitting / ball up into a ball on the bare stage, but at least there is more space (which is so important, with the night We travel often, to have a bed right away - so good is the power to get some sleep.) A photograph at the bottom you can see how children occupy siedzania in two rows.

Here we see that the children not only occupy space in two rows. First burn there is only one man. Then came another (did not know) and just lay parallel, face to face, nose to nose. Then the man slapped him in the poll. So przysiadacz turned to the other side. Embraced and fell asleep as if nothing had happened. Then the guy who sat at the window, I decided to spread the legs and voila! Nothing extraordinary in Indian trains

for insiders - some people love to enjoy their Hindu deep-maru luggage on those shelves;)

we reach to Delhi after 18 hours ... Also just dream about it, to finally conquer the Indian currency and buy yourself something to eat. The first ATM is not working. The second also does not. Fortunately, in the third August succeed. FOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pub meet in a station a few Poles. Who have Polish sausages. Who give us two great pet Polish sausage! But it was the coolest pogadanie after Poland;)

* Trying to figure out how to get to Daramsali. Listen several different versions, the most plausible seems to be that, in order to get over to another station and catch a direct bus there. It's night, but it is always worth to check the nearest hour of departure. Despite a rather murky hints we get in place quickly and smoothly (on the occasion of placing the subway), if it were not kilkunastomilionowe Warsaw and Delhi - normally we are proud of themselves.

And it turns on the spot? Bus departs from a few minutes. There could have been otherwise.

Daramsali Road to the quietest part of the voyage. After another 10 hours we reach the city.

2 countries, 6 of means of transport, more than 1,400 miles and 52 hours non-stop on the road - I like it:)


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