Monday, April 6, 2009

Free Church Service Program Templates

still in the Tibetan family, already all together


the evening we go again on the rocks, and Wojtek AWEU greet. But no one comes. In the end, when we already get up and go back, on the other side of the valley begin to rave familiar silhouette.

Buchung throws a rush to the front, but the other way than a bridge ... And there, I run after him. Tear through grass, bushes, and suddenly getting to to the place where the river is littered large boulders. Buchung in the full rush jumps on it and want to in this way to breach the other side. Well, and I followed him ... Normally, if I saw that the next scale is five feet below, separates me from the precipice meter and 3 meters below the river roars, then I turned around, but in the rush I got when I did not really and just jump. And so a few times. Well, that is Buchung kumaty and once at the right time turned around and grabbed me by the hand:)

Anyway, it was nice to meet again and this whole five minutes earlier than if we went slowly across the bridge.

aunt takes them in the house, as I have not seen a family - he says "Well, now all the children included" (At least according to Buchung). Here's aunt in full glory:

Women in Nepal, comb their hair in public, most often on the street in front of the house. The public notice also wash, especially hair. While the men if they wanted to wash (or rather does not happen that often), looking for some places of detention. Well, unless it comes to brushing your teeth - the teeth cleaning goes on the outside, regardless of sex (not just in Siabru in Kathmandu is also a common sight).


evening, uncle to go home, the factory has moved cakes. We learn that the death of his wife suffers from a horrible Uncle stomach pains and generally can not eat. And asks us for a cure (because you know - Europeans have a cure for everything ...). At 100% we are confident that this psychosomatic reaction (his wife died of cancer, will one of the organs in the abdomen) on the one hand, and - the effect of severe abuse of rakszi ...

We give him so a mix of coal and mineral salts for dehydration, saying that it certainly will help, if only will not pil rakszi ... Susan really make nice in the roles of sympathetic nurse;)

Uncle second from left


At night it turns out, however, I do not have the stomach Zelazny. Reflects the nature of yesterday's entire food of all possible ways. In addition, ran out of toilet paper and I have to switch to the Asian system, ie use the Kubelka the icy water that stands in each toilet.

Actually, taking into consideration that all the way, I ate practically everything, including the joke of the roadside stalls (only water we drink is always bottled or disinfected with chlorine), and I washed their hands of the rare and seldom cause was a possibility, and so nice that hit me just now (probably after a few cups of yesterday rakszi mixed with tea with milk ...).

the evening trying to say in Tibetan "good evening". Reportedly came to me, "I am toilet-man." Well im not surprised that almost cracked with laughter ... :)

in this picture is the most important Wojtek awe on his face. When you drank the same medicine a few days earlier, in the middle almost threw up.

* Next day we spend on attempts to find out what is happening with the bus to Kathmandu. The case is typical of the bus for Nepal. Nobody knows anything, but everyone pretends to know. Today and tomorrow we hear that the bus because they are no strikes, because it is grounded in potholes and need to fix it, he broke down in August to run over human being and the need to fix it, because some completely different bus crossed the man and the police imposed a ban on driving all the Nepali buses, until you sprawdzxa technical condition of all Nepalese buses that will be later today, only it'll be tomorrow morning, do not it will not for a few days ... Also you can

just wait, which of course we do. For example, in the hay:


The longer we wait, the more often ... we talk about Polish food. We can do it without end. Each of us can be long minutes, and sometimes quarters induce us to reflect on schabowym / cheesecakes / sandwiches with cheese, etc, etc. .. :) But as for more than a week would eat out every meal of honey and soups, and then almost only rice in various forms, there is no wonder.

Once upon a time we buy chicken. Buchung maczetopodobnym hacks him with a knife to a minor ankle. In its entirety. There is no question of separating the chest, legs, etc. And then we eat ... Particles are made up of chicken in 80% of the cartilage, bones, skin and fat. Merely wydlubaniu meat, and no rude niedojedzonych cartilage leaving a pile on your plate. What do Buchung? Asks if I finished already. When you made sure that, just grabs these remnants and begins to turn munch. Crunches, crunches, and in the end nothing gets on my plate ...


good news of the next morning: but I zelazny stomach, and already I am healthy.
is also bad news for the same ill Zuza (even worse news is that do not pass it to her for many, many, many days ...)

And good news: the bus appeared

and bad news: when 're already comfortably wrapped, it turns out that will not go - this time apparently the rain has damaged roads and traffic throughout the Borough is prohibited. But tomorrow is to go to 100%.

I turn the tide on the side of good tilts Uncle. It turns out that the placebo effect is not a myth! Uncle sip of carbon, not drinking rakszi, them two and is doing well:)


evening we say goodbye. First, the uncle. It turns out that it will not be but usually good-bye. It will be a farewell ritual.

Uncle digs in August from under the blanket, because I burn, then burn incense around us, spills something around the altar, each in turn bless, rubbing the butter in which hair, and then everyone hangs on the neck Kadak - sash, which has a very deep for the Tibetans importance.

Needless to say, we are moved. Especially, with clearly feel that it is not just mechanical odbebnianie which are ancient custom, but something in which the inhabitants still live Siabru believe, something that still has its importance and significance.


And then we come to ... parapet. People sit on the ground, rakszi drink, sing their songs nepalsko-Tibetan, are talking, after some time, even as they say to myself, "Give me a cup", "would not turn because it is too far," say it's not just singing. And it looks like this:


Morning aunt handing us Kadaki, which clipped to backpacks, loads itself into the bus and so ends our stay in Siabru.

Along with Susan, we promise we'll be back at Losar, but we do not think anyone believes that we are talking seriously ...


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