Friday, April 10, 2009

Sample Church Annual Contribution Letter


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Today Losar. "Happy Day" to all who have been crying.

get up at dawn (that is, as always in Siabru) and Akash Buchungiem and set the front mast with brand new prayer flags. Then we eat for breakfast pastries, which were prepared for the last 2 weeks (my aunt has wielgachny, at least meters high basket with these biscuits - enough for many weeks). Then time for a blessing. Buchung, as the master of the house, burns incense, stick soaked in nimbu (domestic beer) and holding it over the incense of prayer, denied. Then he rubbed the butter and ALL the hair, takes us to make and I poured in the mouth and arms showers. Then showers modlitwne flags, shouting out loud "Sooooo so!" (Supposedly untranslatable) and "Tashi Delek!" (Tibetan greeting). It is a signal for the remaining residents, the ceremony can begin with - our house is the first in the village, of which Buchung is secretly very proud.

I wonder how much in all of Buddhism, and how much paganism. Anyway, this is the last religious ritual of the day.

Now comes the ritual visit one another, and solmy Szira eating, drinking tea and rakszi and endless laughter and conversation.

Zuza in gala attire.

aunt and Buchung

Dolma and son

Local dresik;)

Local dzieciarnia.

and local street (main and only)

And once again intermingled joy and sadness, as the strings of colorful Tibetan dlugasnych strings;)

For Uncle Losar without experiencing first wife turned the task over measure. Rakszi the might of drinks. Drunk people encounter only a few, but almost all of them due to lack of rozpaczaly someone with relatives. For one of the women end up tragically. Dostal stroke and lies in critical condition. Nimue Sambo (Lama, Dolma husband) and many other people spend long hours in prayer in a sick bed.

while Susan is torn between glad to try as many losarowych goodies (and not making the unpleasantness cooks;), and ensure calm the stomach, which already for a week, doing anything to disrupt her life.

"Sometimes Happy, Sometimes Sad", and constantly repeats Buchung.

In the second day of Losar arranged the picnic.

agree that this time we cook and prepare the "Polish dinner." What is the task quite difficult, because Nepal is unlikely to nowhere on Polish vegetables and spices. So we put the rice with tomato-garlic-onion sauce and potatoes roasted in the fire with salt paste, or would be tomato-garlic-onion ...

potatoes turn out to be a real heaven for us in the mouth, a journey into childhood and mystical contact with the heritage of ancestors;) Our guests for this with great astonishment see how we can we eat such "dirty" potato ... (It is not at all or prevent them from eating with dirty hands, or if something fell to the ground).

Finally Buchung says we are all asked, or are satisfied with the picnic ... Hmm ... a little weird asking so persistently in August. No but ask. Everyone is just waiting for the laughter and odpowiedaja that was fantastic. It turns out that just tear yourself with compliments it would be rude;)

First, you need to build a house of straw, so as be able to hide in the shadows ... Pay attention to breast Akasha, on which proudly swings a giant cross. Akash is in fact a Christian and you can also call out to him, "Timode" or Timothy.

Excellent segregation of duties: Susan pichci soup, chopped garlic, Young, and I entertain ladies;) Incidentally, there is no strict division of male and female work - just as it is something to be done, it takes August for the one who happens to be closer to, or has the time.

Buchung, as host, was ready at any time, day or night, give us tea. But today we are the hosts. Boy So you wished to now (zaraz!) Susan gave him something to drink:) On the photo from domineering Buchung face waiting until you can ponazekac, with a little sweet tea, I'm trying to not laugh with the whole situation, what Akash skumac going on, and outside the frame, quietly cursing, Susan meekly you take a per job;)

evening, sitting in my favorite cuisine, or at the Dolma. Dolma has decided to do us the pleasure and served its own version of potatoes in their skins and tomato paste. Well, it is better:)

We teach them to play in the Anse-kabanse-flora (remember that from kindergarten?) - Amazing what people are adults can have fun with this game (most lugs is the aunt).

Then she learns that my name is too difficult for them and between them have referred me, "Kisior." I ask what that means. Mercilessly entangled in the evidence (perhaps difficult to translators, placing with laughter ...), in the end it comes out that is probably a wandering beggar-holy beggar - unto them by my apparently associated the beard:)

We go home at night already. So it is quite dark - the moon is shining and our only flashlight. Suddenly we see on the roof, side windows, a move here. After a moment, a man jumps off from there, smashing the fence from the garden and is near us. Clearly

looks like a thief, but Buchung I tell him not to worry and go home at all if he is not moved. We can not understand it - according to us, you need to do something, best to chase him to the devil. And what does Buchung? Invites him to the house and sits on the bed. I do not understand what's going on. Maybe it was not at all a thief?

Buchung ask him some questions and then sit in silence ... For half an hour. Face your boyfriend does not have any feelings, but rub his hands in August with nervousness. Bieze book, in order to do something hands, but after a while it falls to the floor. In the end, says the guest, in order went out. When the doors close, falls on the bed breathing heavily, and perhaps even long calms minutes ...

And what happened?

Buchung I figured to myself: invite a thief into the house, in order to become familiar with him, because friends do not raid ... Besides, now knows his name, saw his face, so if you will know whom to look.

And then shows us the scars that have been meeting with him after the thief a year earlier ...


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