Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pokemon Cheats Gpshone

Collaboration dearest

Regina Magdal

Conversation between two dead.

- Oh, how awful! It must have been horrible! How is frozen die?
- Well, in the beginning is very bad: first are the chills, then the pain in the fingers and toes, everything freezes.
- But then came a very strong sleep and I lost consciousness.
- And you, how he died? - I? - Died of heart attack. - I was suspicious that my husband was cheating on me. Then one day I came home early, ran to his room and he was in bed, quietly watching television. - Still suspicious, I ran to the basement to see some woman was hidden, but I found none. - Then I ran to the second floor, but saw no one. - So, I climbed into the attic and up the stairs, breathless, I had a heart attack and fell dead. - Wow, what a pity ... - If you had looked in the freezer, we both would be alive!

Watch this Mugler. Of BATCH they lose, most of BATCH is that nóis


Brigadúúúúú, beautiful.

With all due respect to my husband.
Special Report of the Congress in Focus
Summit of the Senate's majority in the Supreme Court proceedings

Fourteen of the 22 senators under investigation leading to the Supreme bench, chair committee or occupy the chair Officers and Board of Ethics. They accumulate 50 pending judicial

Roberto Requião is one of the senators with the largest number of processes running on the Supreme Court
Edson Sardinha and Fabio Goes

One in four senators respond to any type of research in the Supreme Court (STF). Of the current 81 senators, 22 appear as defendants in criminal proceedings or investigation or inquiry pending before the highest court in the country. The majority of parliamentarians with shortcomings in the justice occupies positions of command in the Senate. Fourteen of them preside over standing committees, lead benches or sit on the Ethics Committee or the Officers of the House. Some even reconcile these functions. In total, 50 senators accumulate pending litigation: 36 investigations (preliminary investigations) and 14 actions criminal (processes that can result in condemnation of the accused).
See the list of senators with pending before the Supreme Court

See what the senators say in their defense

Senators champions in processes in STF

Currently, nine senators are accused in the Supreme. Of these, eight occupy important positions in the House. They are: Cicero Lucena (PSDB-PB), Fernando Collor (PTB-AL), Jaime Campos (DEM-MT), Joao Ribeiro (PR-TO), Luiz Henrique da Silveira (PMDB-SC), Roberto Requião (PMDB-PR), Sergio Petecão (PMN-AC) and Valdir Raupp (PMDB-RO). The ninth senator to appear as a defendant is the former governor of Rondonia Ivo Cassol (PP), which shall not exercise leadership or committee heads. Unlike what happens with the investigation, preliminary investigation in the case of criminal proceedings the court accepted the complaint filed by federal prosecutors on the grounds that there is strong evidence that the accused committed the crimes of which they are accused.

are assigned to Senators about 20 types of crimes. The most common complaints are the so-called crimes of opinion, like libel, slander and defamation, which are repeated ten times. The most serious charges are present in 40 other investigations. There are six complaints for crimes against the Bidding Law, a crime committed by five and five others for embezzlement (embezzlement of public funds). Four for electoral crimes, three for crimes against the financial system against the environment, administrative misconduct and misrepresentation. There are also allegations of forced labor, conspiracy, money laundering, crime against public finances, corruption and embezzlement.

The party with more senators with pending litigation is the PMDB. Of the 19 PMDB, six must some kind of explanation to the Supreme. Then comes the PSDB, which has four of its 12 representatives responding to the STF. Following appears the Republic Party, with three of his five names under investigation. PT and PTB have two each, while DEM PDT, PP, PSC and PMN, an.

The ratio of processed parliament includes representatives from 15 states and the Federal District. The only state with all its senators investigated Supreme is in Rondonia. Besides the defendants Cassol and Raupp, Acir Gurgacz (PDT-RO) is also awaiting a decision of the ministers. The situation of pedetista, however, is the most comfortable among all her colleagues. An opinion from the Attorney General's Office requesting the filing of one investigation to which he responds. A year ago, however, she sits in the drawers of the Supreme Court, preventing the conclusion of the case, what needs to be examined by the plenary.


In respect of those investigated by the Supreme three members of the Bureau Director: First Secretary, Cicero Lucena, second secretary, John Ribeiro, currently licensed, and the first alternate Gilvam Borges (PMDB-AP). Seven are leaders bench: the government's leader, Romero Juca (PMDB-RR), the leader of the minority (opposition), Mário Couto (PSDB-PA), the leader of the PMDB, Renan Calheiros (AL), the leader of the PTB , Gin Argello (DF), the leader of PMN, Sergio Petecão, the leader of the PSC, Eduardo Amorim (SE), and the leader of the PDT, Acir Gurgacz.

Renan, Juca, Gin, Couto, Acir and Raupp (as alternate) and Jaime Campos which has two cases before the Supreme Court, also part of the new Board of Ethics. The agency shall establish and judge the conduct of senators and vote for any claims for forfeiture of office for breaking parliamentary decorum. In 2007, Renan himself faced five cases in the Ethics Council. The senator resigned as chairman of the House, but escaped impeachment. One of the complaints, he would have had personal expenses paid by a lobbyist, resulting in Survey 2539, still pending in the Supreme. The PMDB is also investigated for administrative misconduct and influence peddling in another procedure, whose content is being kept secret.

Five Senators under investigation at the Supreme govern any standing committee in the Senate. Jaime Campos leads the Commission for Social Affairs, Roberto Requião, the Education, Culture and Sport is responsible for Fernando Collor Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense Acir Gurgacz by the Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, while the Infrastructure Services Committee is the office of Senator Lúcia Vânia (PSDB-GO). All have at least one pending in the Supreme court.

Of the 22 senators under investigation, 14 have successfully passed the ballot box last year: eight and six were elected, reelected to eight years in office. Until early 2019, any investigation against them can only happen with the approval of the Supreme Court, which is responsible for judging the cases against lawmakers and other federal authorities called on account of special jurisdiction.

comment Widow
Without the slightest shadow of doubt, the addition of a politically incorrect the voter is aware of its stupidly chronic idiocy that makes you a member of a herd of cattle life, marked people, happy people.


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