Saturday, May 28, 2011

Marriage Invitation Format In Tamil Kavithai

To laugh and cry after us

First we laugh

Not to forget more ....

Pythagorean theorem!

Pythagoras had a problem and could not solve.

also kept more at home.

His wife, ENUS took advantage of the situation and fucked the four cadets from the barracks next door.

One day, Pythagoras, tired, returned home early, took Enus-girlfriend and killed the five, who were an orgy.

the time to bury the bastards in consideration of the wife, divided the cemetery in the middle of one side and buried her.

The other side divided into four pieces and buried each cadet in a square.

climbed the mountain next to the cemetery to meditate and, looking down at the cemetery, found the solution to your problem.

was obvious:

The square of a bitch Enus was equal to the sum of the squares of the cadets.
Posted by Mary MB our beautiful.

Now we cry
Check out the hard life of circus lions
Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco have banned animal shows.
Another 50 Brazilian cities have passed laws prohibiting municipal circus animals.
G1, with information from Globo Reporter

In the circus, the lion is not king
A beast in the ring of fire. A mighty roar. And at the end of each show, one question: is a place for circus animals? Two states already banned animal shows: Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco. And 50 other Brazilian cities have also approved municipal laws prohibiting the entry of circuses that have animals as performers. The main topic: child abuse and neglect.

See the site of Globo Reporter

The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) arrives to collect a lion per month. "The circus comes, stops in town, go away and leave the trailer with the animals," says the head of Ibama, Roberto Cabral Borges.

"Before Christ, there were circus animals. The circus is an ancient art, is the world's oldest culture. All came from the circus", claims the owner of the Moscow Circus, Jorge Fumagali.

"What are the legal circus arts. It is human to human fun, those guys that there is training hours to present the best that can do", says the founder of Ranch of the Gnomes Sylvie Pompey.

Roberto Cabral Borges says that five lions arrived in a truck divided. "This means that the space for them was minimal. Even of animals had a back problem because he could not move into the space in which he was confined, "he says.

final destination
Not knowing what to do with animals, IBAMA took them to the Brasilia Zoo. The lion Grandpa has arthritis and a huge hump on his back because of years of confinement and mistreatment.

"He has the whole column pie, have difficulty raising the support legs and a hard time eating. Also, he steps towards the ground because he has joint pain. He gained twice and is now very well, "says research director of the Brasilia Zoo, Tania Junqueira Borges.

The owners of the Moscow Circus, one of Brazil's traditional, say good guys are paying for the bad guys. "The first thing people ask is: 'The animals go to work today?". If the answer is no, say he wanted to see the animals and then go away, "says the owner of the Moscow Circus, Charleston Monteiro. He shows his animals and says he no longer used in the show. But a baboon, a lion , a tiger, a bear and an ostrich continue following the displacement of the troupe in small cages.

"They can not live without us. We wake in the morning to give food, and he comes running into the cage. How do you catch and release only, to deliver an NGO?" , Charleston Monteiro asks, for whom the size of the lion's cage is ideal. "It's 20 times the linear size of it. How are you going to upload a cage of 100 meters? They did not go because they were born there. Lion was born in the circus and is aged 15. A funny thing: when we play the music of their work, are all excited. They are already used in both the baboon as a lion. "

Life circus
The Fluffer bear lives in a cage. Beside her, Charleston Mills claims of environmentalists. Says they denounce mistreatment and lack of space, but do not want to receive the animals. "I have 22 lions to donate, but NGOs do not want," says the owner of the circus.

Suddenly, Charleston Mills is attacked by Fluffy. "She thought we were fighting. She attacked me, she tried to pull me catch you," he claims.

The fact is that the 22 lions that Charleston Miller says he does not really have a destination. There are over one hundred lions abandoned in Brazil. Even that IBAMA leads to zoos are poorly installed.

"This is not definitive. Up here because this is not ideal for the animal. It is much better than a cart. In this regard, no doubt. Now, the ideal would be a great venue where he could play, "says Tania Junqueira Borges.

IBAMA Not sure what to do with this huge amount of big cats seized, abandoned, throughout Brazil. A lion needs a lot of room for a good quality of life. There are very few places equipped to receive these animals. One is the Ranch of the Gnomes, just 30 km from downtown Sao Paulo.

"The goal of the ranch is to offer the best living conditions for these animals. That they live in contact with the earth, the rain and without contact with humans," explains the founder of Rancho of the Gnomes, Mark Pompey.

Noah's Ark
Mark and Sylvia did Pompey the site of a huge family Noah's Ark. The Ranch of the Gnomes get everything from dogs and cats, roosters seized baiting, macaws, parrots, sloths and big cats - a tiger of Bengal and 15 lions live in site.

"The young lioness Agna came to the ranch. It was abandoned along with its sister circus, Chiara, a tiny jaulinha welded the door and thrown into a forest in Jundiaí, São Paulo," says Mark.

"cases are irreversible. She suffered so much in the circus was so forced that roars at the approach de humanos", conta Sílvia. "Esse animal chegou num estado deplorável. Ficou de sete a oito anos em circo. Eles conseguem dominar através de muita tortura, choque, paulada, chicote", diz Marcos.

"Eles subjugam o animal até que ele fique submisso", afirma Sílvia. "Gaya é um símbolo de crueldade que temos no rancho. Uma leoa que sofreu muito. Tem o osso da garganta deslocado devido a uma paulada e a escápula fraturada. Os dentes foram serrados. Ela chegou a cair no recinto. De tanta dor, não se mexia. São as crueldades cometidas contra esses animais. Hoje ela está aqui, tranqüila", ameniza Marcos.

"When we saw off the animal's teeth, the channel is open. The residue so that the food goes in and commits the root of the tooth," explains Sylvia.

"Halu is a lion who lived ten years in a tiny trailer at the circus. Nor has the claws and has a foreign body in the legs due to an extraction done anyway," says Mark, that goes on talking about another lioness. "It's quiet and it has a certain age. Her tongue, like others we have here, does not stop inside the mouth because of the blows that led to the head region and affected the nerve that supports the tongue. Sequelae are staying. "

Stress animal
animal enclosures are large enough for them to live without stress. All are treated with drops of Bach flower and globules of homeopathy. Spitaletti Veterinarian Kelli apply the medicine directly on the water trough.

"It works very well," says Kelli. She says she used homeopathy to eliminate the screwworm larva and some lions ended up bringing other benefits. "We got them to stay Kinder. Animals that were more reluctant now are closer to the people. They like plenty of lemon grass and citronella also like when you sneeze. They like the smell. It's almost like the grass of the cats. In addition to subside, they feel happy with the smell and rub themselves. "

All big cats are neutered the ranch to prevent reproduction. Minus the tiger of Bengal, which is threatened with extinction. Docile and playful, the tiger lives alone in the room and have fun chasing pumpkins. The pumpkin hunt was invented by the ranch owners to avoid the boredom of the animals and stimulate activity physics.

Without much money left, they use their creativity and alternative methods to medicate animals of all species violently abused. But the payoff happens every day, as in the case of Will, a lion abandoned by a circus in Rio de Janeiro.

"IBAMA has requested the presence of the ranch to rescue this animal. On his forehead, you can observe the mark burned part of the training in the circus. They burn the forehead of the cat because he has to face one arc of fire, "explains Sylvia.

A complex operation was mounted to the carriage of the lion. He was taken to the Ranch of the Gnomes two months ago. After birth and through life in a cage, Will had his first contact with the earth.

"He jumped up immediately and went to the grass. I was filming and said to Mark would not succeed. It is a very strong scene, which moves, shakes it. He started to grab and bite the earth shoes on the grass. It was an amazing feeling, "recalls Sylvia.

I copied this entry from G1 because I think a real slutty guys mistreat the poor animals who have never had the thrill of ring to become stars.
If people had an ounce of sensitivity and intelligence boycott these asylums called circus not honoring their statements causing them to starve to death.
Animal is something very beautiful in their natural habitat without human ignorance to the haze.


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