Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Color Spots Beverage Can


I'll pretend I believe

I am terribly worried about the relatives of those who live above my cerebellum. Until proof to the contrary, I am not remembereth like a fool says I know of no mission carried out by SEALs Americans who has made a great success, staying alive in my memory just as fiasquentas missions in Vietnam which left holding pants, many of them without their, then Granada where it landed with about 7000 men and 300 fighters of the OECS,
Organization Eastern Caribbean States, which serve neither to climb coconut trees in an attempt to discover who puts water in coconuts.
In Panama four of them were sent to the German attempt to prevent the dictator Manuel Noriega from escaping.
Before that attempted to rescue American embassy hostages in Iran, the second biggest fiasco since Vietnam, which on the strategy of shooting yourself in the foot, like say the guy advertising tubes of feline 1000 was boss.

As is well known, on November 4, 1979, after the overthrow of the Shah by supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini, a mob stormed the American Embassy in Tehran by capturing the U.S. diplomatic corps, officials and security guards formed by the military of the U.S. Marines.

Fifty-two Americans were captured and delivered as
hostages to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, a force for pucha saccal
of Ayatollah Khomeini, without the slightest indicacação it would only
prisoners were tortured or sent to a visit to Allah.

Like a Hollywood script in a few hours, the newly formed Detachment Delta was assembled for a rescue operation, named after the Eagle Claw (Eagle Claw). The Delta commander, Colonel Charles Beckwith, who was with before they are hatched was just a needle, and he faced a mission in Tehran, in the heart of Iran, and far from any country friendly to the U.S. . The hostages were not being kept in an airport, as the successful operation Israeli Entebbe, which facilitated the rescue. Good information sites were difficult to get in on the enemy force and the embassy in Tehran. And of course the whole plan and training should be kept in strict secrecy.

And the time running against the Americans.

The final plan, drafted by a committee composed of high ranking military officers of various arms of U.S. government, was an audacious operation involving naval, air and land.

They would use the aircraft USS Nimitz, operating with their Task Force from the Arabian Sea, eight helicopters RH-53 Sea Stallion, the Marine Corps, twelve aircraft of the USAF, four MC-130 tankers, three EC-130 electronic support, three AC- 130 fire support and two C-141 heavy transport, plus numerous "operators" as they are called the members of Delta Force, some already infiltrated in Tehran, before starting the attack. Would also have the help of supporters and former Iranian Embassy officials, operating within the city.

We established a meeting point inside Iranian territory, called Desert One, where the several aircraft should meet for refueling on the flight.

The eight RH-53 helicopters were to leave the Nimitz, to land at Desert One refueling is already there with the fuel left by the MC-130, and fly to nearby Tehran, conveying strength Delta, landing at an airport is not used, called Mazariyeh, about an hour from Tehran, which should have been taken by an attacking force of about 100 Rangers, where he would remain hidden until the time of the attack. By nightfall, the Delta would be transported by vehicles achieved by ground staff, attacking the complex of buildings of the Embassy, where the hostages were kept.

Any external sentries would be eliminated by the first team of men armed with pistols equipped with silencers, while the second team would explode outside the gates, and a third team would do the same with the walls behind the embassy, \u200b\u200bcreating so a diversionary action. Then the main force, heavily armed, would eliminate any opposition, and cleaning up four buildings where the hostages were expected. A group of five men would destroy the electrical generator of the Embassy.

Hostages should be transported to a nearby football stadium, where the HR-53 would have landed, called from his place of waiting, along with the board and transported to Mazariyeh Delta, where the C-141 waiting to carry them out of Iran, along with all other participants.The AC-130 would be on the air, to prevent any attempts of Iranian ground or air forces to intervene in the operation.

All aircraft should leave Iranian territory, except the eight HR-53, which would be blown up because they had no power to escape, and should not fall into Iranian hands.

This was the plan.

If screwed, Cacace did so they had to abandon planes, helicopters and soldiers charred debris during a collision between a screw and another plane load.

According to the mission that would have killed Bin Bin, had to abandon an aircraft because it presented mechanical failure, in fact, something that has been occurring steadily since that promoted Mr, Bean as Head of workshop of the Navy and Air Force.

not I have no information that over this mountain of mess has been happening, but I'm basing the background just say one thing.

If it is non vero, Trovato is ben!


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