Monday, June 16, 2008

Salmon Loaf Made Without Using Eggs

JOURNEY your heart img/smilies/142 img/smilies/142

Today I set off on a long journey, in the remote, my little place. I'm going where my voice-leading voice, from the very heart, I hear it beating in my heart, peace and joy that I follow in the right direction. It was not easy to leave the house, it was not easy to say, "Goodbye!", But He fills this void. Although it is the beginning of my way for now, I feel very fortunate and a desire to give thanks for the call to love. I feel like the enormity of God's grace, fills my heart. The Lord is in this goal, let me, despite the difficulties, to board the train and walk in the footsteps behind which stretches the heart. God's heart runs a distant, unknown place, and I go to him to be happy. For each of us, the Lord has prepared individual way, sometimes leading by wild scrub, deserts, jungles, but the desire to follow Him, is greater than anything else. In the Name of God, I leave everything and go. Though really, yet few know. The peace that I have in my heart, it is difficult to describe in words, I do not understand what the Lord makes me soul, but I entrust myself to Him, no matter what, "Do, Lord with me, whatever you want." With this gift, the rest of my life I will give thanks, for having allowed me to know Him more and more fill and rozkochiwać on his mission, and thus-walk in his footsteps. My heart has chosen, and said yes, disputes while ago, but this does not preclude, the daily repetition of TAK-Jesus, taking what we give with great humility and trust in divine mercy. Living with him, and that the constant repetition of TRUST and provide their lives with a special relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not about to pray for show or go to the Church, but rather that people see us, they can say: "I met Jesus, he is in this girl, He is the guy." There could, through small signs, notice of his presence: in the sun, the blooming flowers, and often in unpleasant incidents. With him, it is easier to understand some things, love yourself, despite the many sins, or submissive to the coming of weakness. And the injuries that are often rooted in us, Lord give you strength to overcome evil, says: " Evil, GOOD-conquer, "Fear not, I am with you ..."
I trust that God will reveal to me, although part of its plan, that I was able to adopt and implement such a great and beautiful gift of vocation.

[1 JUNE 2008]

be continued, since that day, so virtually everything started .....

I would add that, although the journey was long, the heart felt like it was very close. When now I'm poo 2 - weekly Individual Retreat,, say that there was nothing to get excited. Let me tell you briefly how it all looked, although it is known that words can not express such przyżyć, which experienced.
first place, to which I went was in Lublin. A big chunk of the bristles, but following the love, none of kilometers is not a problem. I went from Szczecin in the early morning, the train set off at the station. 6:07. It was hard parting with my mother, tears, sadness, separation, and still associated with the question: "Is come back! "The train has left, in the range of two adult passengers and three kids, including young toddlers, smiling from ear to ear. At the beginning of a little dłużyło, but as we got acquainted with the babies, pobawiliśmy up, read them, then it is watched, STATION - Lublin . I got off, a crowd of people unknown to me, but I knew it would be waiting for me sister, with whom he came into contact and dating. I'm coming, and suddenly emerges from advancing people-Amanda S., with the big smile that it would be difficult not to notice. At the time of contact with Sister LIVE, I felt great peace and joy. Talking, we went to the bus, to be able to get home. It worked-already in place, Amanda S., took me to a room where I had to make yourself comfortable, and where I will live for the next time. The obvious point that day, as well as with the rest following, was a meal, and in this case, dinner, at which discussions were held on various topics. For this reason, it was a Sunday, the Lord's Day, we went to church with Sister Garrison. Beautiful survival from day one. Prayer, community unite people, and beautiful-moment to receive Jesus into your heart. Then walk to the house and then I met sisters who live in the religious community. Welcomed me very warmly, and the family atmosphere, jeszce more cemented in my decision. Day passed quickly, in fact, the afternoon-it was very rich, and certainly never forget this Children's Day. Even in the evening, after dinner came to me, Sister, ask how he feels, and presented a plan to me the next day. and then there was a time of rest. Another day has started Morning prayer breakfast 'and classes at the school. I did not have them go, but I wanted to, did not I went there to lie in łóżźku to 10, only to look at everyday life SISTERS Sacred Heart. I always admire people who can work with young people and so I told Amanda S.. For me, it would be very hard work, but on the other hand, to the glory of God, each work is beautiful, even the proverbial "life of the mop and broom in hand." Thanks Sister, I could get to know the local young people and sincerely say, I was very pleasantly surprised. I was afraid of their reaction to my person, that whoever it is that I am a stranger and, in general, and in the meantime, they treated me as your friend. Lessons ended hastily, then to the cottage for lunch and leaving for a walk. This was quite an adventure. Sr. went to the Botanical Gardens, beautiful sunshine, beautiful green, quiet, beautiful flowers, and conversations that took place there, deep in my plastic heart-preserved. Common Prayer of the Rosary, for, in nature, meditating on Scripture, dampened my excitement. I there in the garden, I shared with Amanda S., testimony of his calling. Despite the fact that previously, by phone and we talked a lot of virtual and there, really - was quite different, it was beautiful. I could easily be opened, I felt a slight embarrassment, but this is normal because it was a serious conversation. And shortly after her heart was calm, controlled. There was also unexpected moment of our stay in this park, in the pictures. Even though we managed to find Mrs. Sr., who agreed to do our common stock ............

Continued There will be .......................


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